ARCHITECTURE & BUILDINGS Historic Architecture of Rutland County Rutland Town Historical Sites & Structures AUTHORS Julia C. R. Dorr (1825-1913) AVIATION George Schmitt Scrapbook CHURCH RECORDS Congregational (1773-1923) St. Peter Church Directory 1978-1979 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish: A History “home”: A History of St. Peter’s Parish Rutland, Vermont The United Church -West Rutland, Vermont 1773-1973 First Baptist Church - Members by Name Mid-20th Century First Baptist Church - Members by Street Mid-20th Century This Far By Faith: A History of Grace Congregational United Church of Christ 1788 - 1988 This Far By Faith-One Century Ago: The Sanctuary of Grace Congregational United Church of Christ (1892-1992) 150th Anniversary of the Congregational Church of Rutland, Vermont 1788-1938 CIVIL WAR Civil War Resources Civil War Driving / Walking Tour CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS Green Mountain Club (Killington, VT) Newsletter - Smoke & Blazes (1947-2020) COLLEGES Rutland Business College (1946-1980) DIARIES, LETTERS & JOURNALS Various diaries, letters & journals Zulma Steele Journal Pvt. John Hoag-Battle of the Bulge EPHEMERA (items of collectible memorabilia) Souvenir of Rutland (about 1886) Harris Chair Manufacturing Co. (1891) Harvey Shaw -Justice of the Peace (1840-1874) Rutland Country Club: A Continuing Tradition EXHIBITS Eight Generations of Rutland (1770-2010) FIRE DEPARTMENT Mooney Scrapbook of Fires (1919-1968) Nickwackett Station No. 2 Logs & Records (1860-1925) FIRES 1973 Berwick Hotel Fire (Photos Courtesy of Bill Looker) FLOODS 1947 Flood A story in headlines, texts and pictures. Published by the Rutland Herald. 1927 Flood (photos by Cecelia Kane) GENEALOGY Marvel Swan Collection HOSPITALS - Rutland Hospital Nursing - Informational Pamphlets On Nursing Hospital Reports - 1916, 1929 Nursing School Commencements (1922-50) Nursing Photos HOTELS History of the Bardwell Hotel (Booklet) MARBLE SCULPTORS Alphabetical List of Marble Sculptors THE GRAVESTONES CARVERS OF RUTLAND COUNTY, VERMONT Compiled by MARGARET R. JENKS (Book 1) THE GRAVESTONES CARVERS OF RUTLAND COUNTY, VERMONT Compiled by MARGARET R. JENKS (Book 2) THE GRAVESTONES CARVERS OF RUTLAND COUNTY, VERMONT Compiled by MARGARET R. JENKS (Book 3) THE GRAVESTONES CARVERS OF RUTLAND COUNTY, VERMONT Compiled by MARGARET R. JENKS (Book 4) THE GRAVESTONES CARVERS OF RUTLAND COUNTY, VERMONT Compiled by MARGARET R. JENKS (Book 5) MUSIC Lakes Region Youth Orchestra RECREATION DEPT. SCRAPBOOKS Rutland Recreation Dept. Scrapbooks (1960 to the early 2000s, plus 1953) REV. LEMUEL HAYNES The Nature and Importance of True Republicanism. RUTLAND HALLOWEEN PARADE A History of the Rutland, Vermont Halloween Parade Halloween Parade - Tom Fagan Batman Takes Parade By Storm (Thesis by Jared Goodrich) SPORTS Baseball - Rutland Royals (1938-1941) Football - "The Rivalry" MSJ vs. RHS (1929-1989) A History Of Mount Saint Joseph Basketball 1927 - 1974 THEATERS The Playhouse (now Paramount Theatre) Playbills (1915-1929) Opera House History and Playbills TOWN RECORDS Town of Rutland (record extracts) Rutland Town Bicentennial Sampler-1776-1976: A collection of stories spanning over 200 years of town history Vermont State Fair (Rutland Fairgrounds) Women in Rutland's history Photos by Jack Delano (Sept. 1941) 175 Years at the Vermont State Fair (2021 Premium Boook) More info. on the Photographs Provided by the Rutland County Agricultural Society-Vermont State Fair Veterans In Rutland County Cemeteries RECORDS FOR VETERANS BURIED IN RUTLAND COUNTY CEMETERIES Evergreen Cemetery Veterans of Civil and Other Wars Rutland City Cemeteries Rutland County Cemeteries Women of Rutland Women in Rutland's history World War II Scrapbooks Baptist World War II Roll of Honor West Rutland World War II Scrapbook