Rutland Historical Society
Explore the archives at Rutland Historical Society that show various points of Rutland’s history since its founding.
A Champion of the Maple Syrup Industry: The First 100 Years of the G.H. Grimm Company
Presenter: Dr. Matthew M. Thomas
Sponsors: Rutland Free Library and the Rutland Historical Society
Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2025
Time: 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM (45 minute lecture followed by time for questions and interaction)
Location: Nella Grimm Fox Room
Rutland Free Library
10 Court Street
Rutland, VT 05701
Lecture Description:
This presentation traces the origins and evolution of the G.H. Grimm maple syrup equipment company. Over its first one hundred years, the Grimm Company, with its signature Champion Evaporator, became the leading manufacturer of maple industry equipment in the United States and Canada. The storyline of the presentation follows the Grimm family and the Grimm Company from its start in Hudson, Ohio, to its relocation and settlement in Rutland, Vermont, and on to the opening of its branch operation to Montreal, Québec. New research presents a detailed look at the lives of the Grimm family in Ohio and Vermont and the impact of the Grimm Company in the history of the maple syrup industry.
Matthew Thomas Bio: Dr. Matthew M. Thomas is an independent researcher and is a leading expert on the history of the maple syrup industry. Dr. Thomas has written two maple history books, Maple King: The Making of a Maple Syrup Empire and A Sugarbush Like None Other: Adirondack Maple Syrup and the Horse Shoe Forestry Company. In addition, he shares his research and many published articles on the website www.maplesyruphistory.com.
New Image Gallery Collection . Take a look at the Green Mountain Club Long Trail Glass Slide Images from the 1910s to 1930.
The Rutland Historical Society recently received the slides via a donation and created an Image Gallery for all to see. Each image shows a slide number and a brief description. Go to page 94-97 for more completeinformation on each slide.
"Ethan Allen in Castleton". Michael Dwyer with guests Joe Mark and Tom Hughes, describe the exciting plans for the start of the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution.

"Rutland Organizations 1930s - 1960s"
click on the icon to the right of the picture number to view the full picture. Press escape to return to normal size.
Good News:
We are resuming Public Hours on Saturday from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. To better serve you, please contact us if you have a specific research request. Hope to see you soon.
Vermont Public Radio interviews Rutland Historical Society about our work to share Rutland's history.
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