7-21-1866 Rutland Independent

We learn that a large and commodious schoolhouse is now in , July 17, process of completion at West Rutland, under the supervision of Rev. Mr. Lynch, Chairman of the building committee. When completed it will be an ornament to that part of the town.

In West Rutland, July 17, of heart disease, MOSES Fenn, aged 69 years/

The State Reform School, located in Waterbury, was dedicated on Thursday the 14th of June. The school is located on the farm formerly owned by Gen. Butler, Esq., about 1/2 mile from the railway station. The address was delivered by Jay S. Adams. Esq., introduced by Gov. Dillingham. A hymn was sung, which was written by Mrs. Julia C. R. Dorr of Rutland for thee occasion. After a dinner at the Waterbury Hotel, Sunday, toasts were presented and responded to by Gov. Dillingham, Hon. T. W. Stewart, Rev. Messrs. Pease and Dunn, Rev. Mr. Lord, C. W. Willard, G. G. Benedicts. Letters were read from several gentlemen who were absent expressing their regrets at their absence.


9-29-1866 Rutland Independent


William Gleason was arraigned for the crime of lewdness and pleaded not guilty.

Charles G. Stevens, a boy of about 13 years of age, was arraigned for the crime of horse stealing and pleaded guilty.

Thomas Nolan, age 20, a deaf mute, was arraigned for the crime of assault with intent to kill and by the assistance of Mr. John Strong, who acted as his interpreter, he plead guilty.

Henry Lett was arraigned for larceny and plead not guilty.

Frank Cooney arraigned for assault with intent to commit rape. Plea not guilty.

Miles Welch arraigned for assault with intent to kill. Plea guilty of simple assault.

Merritt Potter arraigned for one indictment for tumultuous carriage and two indictments for assault. Plea not guilty for all three.

John Cain appeared to answer to the indictment for disturbing the Rutland Town meeting last spring. He furnished bail in the sum of $100 for future appearance.

Mary Ann Campbell was fined $11.35 by Judge Smith on Monday for becoming too "ardent" in her affection for the "spirit of 66". She was subsequently "arranged" upon a charge of vagrancy, convicted, and sentenced to the "veneered building" for four months. Cap' t Brewer paid a fine of $10 and costs for selling "lager" to "my Mary Ann"

Additional bills were found by the Grand Jury as follows:
George Parkhurst: Assault / sentenced to jail for four months
William Parkhurst: Assault, sentenced to jail for four months
Frank Cooney: Assault
Warren Gifford: Larceny
Charles Godfrey: Breaking jail
Myron E. Howard: Larceny
Stephen Lewis: Larceny
Russell Lincoln: Assault with knife
George Sanders: Attempt to break jail
Patrick Waters: Assault with intent to kill.


10-13-1866 Rutland Independent

An employee of the Western Vermont Railroad named Patrick Nash was instantly killed by a wood train near the Shaftsbury Depot on Friday last.

Edward Harkness was injured on Monday last near Charlotte by being thrown from the engine "Killington" while oiling the cylinders. The engine was running at the rate of 25 miles per hour at the time of the accident.

A "bloody row" occurred in our village on Saturday evening last, in which several individuals named below were concerned.

The only serious injury received was by Morseman who had his countenance badly smashed. The parties were subsequently by arraigned by Grand Juror Joyce and fined by Justice Smith as follows:

Frank Morseman, drunk, $11.35

William Valiquette, drunk, $11.35

Valiquette was arraigned on a charge of assault and battery. The circumstances of which were of such an aggravated nature that the Justice held him for trial at the March term of County Court.

Felicia Johnson, drunk and fined $11.35. She was also convicted for violation of liquor laws and fined $10.00 and costs.

Ellen Maher, violation of liquor law and fined $5.00 and costs.

Richard Johnson, assault and battery, fine $5.80 and costs.


10-13-1866 Rutland Independent

Terrible Accident

As Mr. P. Ridlon of Clarendon was crossing the track between this village and Center Rutland, yesterday afternoon, he was struck by a locomotive on the Rutland and Washington Railroad, throwing him some distance and killing him instantly.  One of the horses he was driving was instantly killed and the other so badly injured that he died in a few minutes. The wagon was smashed to atoms and was throw some distance from the track.  Mr. Ridlon leaves a wife and one child to mourn his loss.


10-20-1866 Rutland Independent
Center Rutland News

A little girl named Kent was so badly burned on Monday last that her life is despaired of. She was playing near a stove and her clothes became ignited from the fire.

Railroad Accident

Daniel Stewart of Middlebury a mason employed at Rutland, was knocked off a freight car, on which he was returning home on Monday morning by hitting the covered bridge over East Creek in Rutland. One leg was broken and severe injuries indicated. He was standing upright on the roof of the car.

Police Court

Sunday seems to be the "harvest day" of Jailor Briggs. On Sunday last Chester and Crawford, our most active police carried to his "mill" seven or eight individuals who had partaken too freely of the evil spirit, among the number two "female women" one of "which" had imbibed so freely that she had lost all confidence in her "pins" and refused to travel.

On Monday Justice Smith fined the following $11.35 each for being drunk: Mary Gleason

Ellen Hogan, Pat McAulay, John McAulay and John Sullivan. Mary Gleason was fined $20 for violating the liquor law.

Charles Taft was arraigned for fighting and paid fine and costs amounting to $10.21

Pete Nary succeeded in kicking up a row on Green Street, for which two good looking young men received lodgings in the city lock up