The Rutland Historical Society Quarterly is a magazine we provide to our members four times a year. These Quarterlies are written by our volunteers and highlight many different places, events, and people of Rutland area's past and present. Our Quarterly back issues are available here to view online and print at no charge.
If you wish to have a paper copy, we only charge $2.00 each, plus $1.00 S & H per order. (Some issues may be available only in a photocopied format.)
If you are interested in a specific topic related to Rutland City, Proctor, West Rutland, or Rutland Town and would like to author one of these magazines, we would like to hear from you!
Here is a preview of our current Quarterly. Membership in the Society enables you to receive a mailed copy of each issue for free. If you are not a Member and would like a paper copy, please see the pricing information at the top of the page.