Tidbits from Then and Now
Do you really think the present winter weather is a big change from what it used to be? In 1951 the weather almost wiped out the first winter carnival of the Rutland Chamber of Commerce.
According to an article in the Rutland Herald dated February 21, 1951 the Rutland Chamber of Commerce held Rutland's first Annual Winter Carnival. In view of the discouraging weather the carnival was a "reasonable success." Because the temperature hovered in the 40s the snow sculptures, ice fishing, a hockey game between UVM and Norwich and the local speed and novelty skating programs were washed out.
The event was salvaged by a snowfall about a foot of it at Pico Peak (only two inches in Rutland) that drew an overflowing parking lot of customers.
The Seventh Annual New Jersey State Slalom added a filler for the Carnival, with the race being won by the Watchung Amateur Ski Club of Elizabeth, NJ. Erling Omland of Roselle, NJ took first place.
Miss Frances Callahan was crowned queen of the Rutland Winter Carnival at the Ball that was held at the Meadowbrook Roller Skating Arena. Does anyone remember where this arena was located?